Wellness Weekly: A shift in society's perspective on health

Wellness Weekly: A shift in society's perspective on health


A shift in the public perception of healthy behaviours is desperately needed.

Happy Friday my friend - I hope this week has been good to you.

Something that is always on my mind is how despite everything that we now know about bettering our health, it still seems to be quite a fringe thing in society.

Unless you're in dedicated health circles, your health habits can (and sometimes will) still be seen as strange to wider society.

I think it's because of this:

Health has been painted in society as a chore; as something that is almost an afterthought.

This creates multiple problems and isn't really a logical way to approach life.

I get it though.

I strongly believe that in our formative years as kids, health should be something that is on school curriculums - that way it actually gives children exposure to its importance.

These children will then grow up to be adults, and then can then inspire their children, and so on.

But perhaps that will damage the profits of the junk food industry if you raise a society of healthy people...but that's a whole other story.

Regardless that isn't the case – and aside from the children who are inspired by their parents to live well, we have a society that largely doesn't believe health-promoting behaviours are a good use of time.

But a shift needs to occur – because health is a foundational, baseline requirement to actually live well and function at your best.

Health should never be seen as a chore - its a fundamental requirement to live well.

Look at other behaviours that we engage in – brushing our teeth for oral health, as an example.

From a young age we are coached by our parents to brush our teeth properly; we go through the process of what to do and how to do it.

So we arrive in adulthood knowing that this is just a baseline requirement to maintain good oral health every single day.

So we just do it. Habitually. Without thinking.

Why can't we approach other areas of our health like this?

Areas that are equally, if not more important?

Keeping our cardiovascular system healthy, our bones strong, our muscle mass in a good state – these aren't optional extras.

These are fundamental requirements to actually live the life that you were called to live.

I'll be honest with you: in order to be your best self and live the life you want to live – with energy, vitality and passion – having health-promoting practices at the centre of what you do is a must.

Not an afterthought.

If you aren't engaging in them, you're leaving a lot on the table.

If you brush your teeth every day, you can also move every day in some capacity.

If you brush your teeth every day, you can also cook your fair share of healthy meals on a daily/weekly basis.

If i'm not doing these things – whether it's due to travel, or my schedule is thrown off for some other reason – I notice it. Big time.

I'm not who I want to be.

If you are wired into health habits already, you'll know what I'm talking about.

But if you aren't – or they are more sporadic and inconsistent than you would like – take this as your sign.

Health is fundamental to our existence, and provides a great foundation to show up impeccably in today's world.

For yourself, and for others.

It's not a chore, or a bore, or a waste of time.

It's your lifeblood.

Stay healthy,


PS: If you got value from this email, I have a very small favour to ask: if you felt it gave you a lot of value, I ask that you send it to two of your friends who you think might benefit from it. Catch you soon!