Winter is on the horizon – and so is the inevitable increase in colds, flus and the like.
Plenty of foods out there can contribute to a healthy lifestyle, and whilst I believe this should always be a focus for us year-round, it is even more important in this season.
Read up on these 7 plant foods that can support immunity and promote overall well-being:
Red bell peppers
Containing twice as much Vitamin C as citrus fruits, red peppers are something that you should definitely incorporate into your diet at this moment in time.
Vitamin C is a potent immune supporter, as it increases the production of white blood cells – responsible for enhancing our body's ability to fight infection.
There's no doubt that broccoli is a powerhouse for the immune system.
As well as being loaded with Vitamin C and iron, it also contains Vitamin A which contributes to optimal immune function, strong bones and teeth, and a reduction in the risk of urinary stones.
The key to maximising broccoli and its benefits is to lightly steam it, and for a further boost you can also add a sprinkle of organic mustard seed powder to boost its cancer-fighting properties.

Garlic is a staple in so many dishes, but it packs a huge immune-supporting punch in its own right.
Part of the allium group of vegetables, when garlic is chopped it produces allicin, a compound that helps to lower blood pressure, reduce muscle soreness and lower cholesterol.
As well as being high in iron and Vitamin C, spinach also possesses high antioxidant levels and beta-carotene, which is a pigment found in colourful fruits and vegetables.
Beta-carotene - available in red peppers too - has been shown to offset lung damage caused by oxygen free radicals (atoms that scavenge the body to seek out other electrons to pair with) when there are higher levels of it in the blood.
As well as this, spinach is also high in magnesium, which contributes to optimal immune function and regulating blood pressure.
Almonds have high levels of Vitamin E – and being a fat-soluble vitamin, it needs the presence of fat to be able to be absorbed properly.
Vitamin E is also key to a healthy and optimally-functioning immune system, and almonds possess this in abundance - as well as the necessary fat content to enhance absorption.
A handful will give you over half of your recommended daily dose of Vitamin E.

Papaya, like citrus fruits, are absolutely loaded with Vitamin C.
One papaya will give you over 150% of the recommended daily dose of the immune-optimising vitamin, as well as a digestive enzyme called papain that can help lower inflammation.
Lentils are a protein-packed legume that have high amounts protein, good quality carbohydrates, and zinc - which is particularly important for your body to absorb nutrients and protect the immune system.
Ensure that your lentils are properly cooked (or even sprouted) to increase the bioavailability to zinc to fire up your body's defences.
Simplicity is best my friends.
Lean into these foods, as well as other fruits and vegetables that are brightly-coloured in order to increase your antioxidant intake, and support immune health.
Get them in soups and stews to optimise your immune health, and ensure that you stay in top health this winter.
Stay healthy,
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